2/28 ( 金 ) 発売 Timberland & nonnative の販売方法について
■ 販売店舗について
・the nonnative shop にて 2/28 ( 金 ) 11 時 より販売いたします。
・COVERCHORD Online、COVERCHORD Fukuokaでも同日 11 時より販売いたします。

※ COVERCHORD Nakameguro でのお取り扱いはございません。

■ お並び、電子抽選券配布について
・the nonnative shop にて午前 10 : 00 ~ 10 : 15 の間、購入順を決める電子抽選券を配布します。
・お並びは午前 9 : 45 以降にお願いいたします。それ以前にお並びいただいた場合、抽選券をお配りいたしません。
・午前 10 : 15 以降にお越しのお客様はいかなる理由でも抽選にご参加いただくことができません。
・お一人様 1 枚の配布とさせていただきます。

※ 電子抽選にはスマートフォンが必要です。

・抽選券 1 枚につき 1 名様のみ入店が可能です。
・お一人様 1 点までご購入が可能です。

■ the nonnative shopでの通信販売受付について
・通信販売に関しましては、在庫がある場合に限り、翌週 3/3( 月 ) の 11 時より受付を開始いたします。

※ 別途、代引き手数料・送料を頂戴いたします。

■ その他注意事項について

Regarding the sales method for Timberland × nonnative, scheduled for release on 2/28 (Friday)
Please adhere to the following instructions.

■ Relaease locations:
The products will be available for sale at the nonnative shop from 11:00 AM on 2/28 (Friday).
They will also be available at the online store COVERCHORD (coverchord.com) and COVERCHORD Fukuoka starting at 11:00 AM on the same day.

Note: Products will not be available at COVERCHORD Nakameguro.

■ Regarding queueing and the distribution of electronic lottery tickets:
At the nonnative shop, we will distribute electronic lottery tickets to determine the order of purchase between 10:00 AM and 10:15 AM.
Please queue up according to the staff's instructions.
Queueing is allowed from 9:45 AM onward. If you queue up before that time, you will not receive a lottery ticket.
Customers arriving after 10:15 AM, for any reason, will not be able to participate in the lottery.
Each person will receive only one lottery ticket.
You must be physically present to receive the ticket. We will not distribute tickets to anyone not present at the shop. Note: A smartphone is required for the electronic lottery.

■ Regarding store entries and purchases:
From 11:00 AM, customers will be admitted in the order determined by the lottery. Please check the call-up screen and come to the store when your number is called.
Customers who do not participate in the lottery may still enter the store.
We will verify your lottery ticket number at the time of purchase, so please keep it safe.
If you arrive after your designated time, we will assist the next customer in line.
If you are not present when called, your lottery ticket will be invalid.
Only one customer per lottery ticket will be allowed to enter.
If you wish to purchase with tax exemption, you will need to show your passport for identity verification. Passports other than your own cannot be used.
You may purchase only one item per person.
The lottery ticket only determines the order of purchase and does not guarantee that you will be able to purchase the item. Additionally, please be aware that your desired size may be sold out.

■ Regarding mail order sales:
Mail order sales will begin on 3/3 (Monday) at 11:00 AM, only if stock is available. Note: Separate handling fees, including shipping charges, will apply.

■ Other Important Notes:
In the event of any trouble or unexpected situations, we may change the above sales methods and rules.
By holding a lottery ticket, you are considered to have agreed to the above terms.